
  • Orders
    Where can i visualize my order

    When accessing your personal space, you can visualize all your previous orders in the section "my orders", as well as view the shipping date of each of the items you purchase in the "my orders" section.


    Where can I visualize my order's status

    You can follow any of your orders by accessing the "My orders" section in your personal space.



    Ordine non trovato in area riservata per reso

    According to our return policy, you have a maximum of 14 days from the delivery date to request a return. Consequently, after this period, you will no longer find the order you wish to return in the Returns and Refunds section of your personal area.

    Changing the delivery address

    You won't be able to change your delivery address after finalizing the order.

    Enter a coupon or use the funds available in your Pocket after completing an order

    You won't be able to enter a coupon or use the funds available in your Pocket after completing the order. You can use to it as you please when placing your next order.

    Adding, removing or modifying one or more items after placing your order

    You won't be able to remove or modify the items in your order after placing it. You can still place a new order if you need to.

    Canceling an order

    For technical and administrative reasons, you cannot cancel an order after placing it.

  • product
    Product Information

    For each product you will find all the information available on the page dedicated to the selected product. We are unable to provide further details about products, images, brands and suppliers.

    We remind you that in some cases the photos of the products are for reference only and some products may vary by color or type, depending on the availability of the supplier.



    Product conformity guarantee

    We point out that the use of the product or service, if it occurs in a non-compliance with the intended use of the goods and/or the relative instructions, can jeopardize the effectiveness of the legal guarantee. In the event of a lack of conformity, the consumer buyer can alternatively request the replacement of the non-compliant product.
    According to Italian legislation, liability for lack of conformity is different from liability related to the dangerousness of the product or service sold.
    A product is dangerous when it does not offer the safety that we can legitimately expect taking into account all the circumstances, for example due to: design defect, construction or manufacturing defect; lack or lack of information relating to the methods of use or assembly.
    The producer is responsible for the dangerousness of the marketed product. If you decide to return a product due to non-compliance, we invite you to use the dedicated section in your Ventis account, carefully following the steps required to successfully complete the operation and open the return procedure.
    We remind you that these notes are purely informative. For any further information and more analytical determination, we invite you to consult the articles 128 et seq. and 114 et seq. of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 26/2005) and/or to resort to qualified legal advice.

  • payoff
    Doppio pagamento

    Se hai effettuato un doppio pagamento, ti chiediamo gentilmente di recarti nella sezione "supporto" nel tuo account e selezionare la voce "pagamento" e "Doppio pagamento" per contattarci, a questo punto è INDISPENSABILE fornirci:

    - l’indirizzo mail con cui hai effettuato l’ordine sulla nostra piattaforma o il nominativo del titolare dell’ordine.- la data dell’acquisto;- l’importo dei singoli importi spesi;- la metodologia di pagamento utilizzata: se con carta di credito ti chiediamo gentilmente di indicarci le ultime 4 cifre della carta, se con paypal o scalapay i numeri di transazione, per procedere a verifica.

    Ricorda che qualora la richiesta risultasse mancante di una o piú informazioni sopra richieste procederemo alla chiusura della segnalazione e sará necessario inviare un nuovo messaggio.

    Pagamento non andato a buon fine

    Se non riesci ad effettuare il pagamento, ti chiediamo gentilmente di recarti nella sezione "supporto" nel tuo account e selezionare la voce "pagamento" e "Pagamento non andato a buon fine" per contattarci, a questo punto è INDISPENSABILE fornirci:

    - l'indirizzo di posta elettronica con cui accedi a Ventis;
    - da quale dispositivo stai tentando di effettuare l'acquisto: pc, tablet, ipad, telefonino;
    - se stai tentando l'acquisto tramite app, indicare se app IOS o Android e quale versione;
    - se stai tentando l’acquisto tramite sito indicare da quale browser (edge/chrome/fire fox…)
    - ti compare una schermata in cui è indicato un errore? se si, quale. Potresti inviarci una foto dell'errore in formato jpg, png, o jpeg. Le dimensioni devono essere max 3 mb.

    Ti preghiamo inoltre di specificare:

    - la data del tentato acquisto;
    - l'importo;
    - la metodologia di pagamento utilizzata: se con carta di credito ti chiediamo gentilmente di indicarci le ultime 4 cifre della carta, se con paypal o scalapay la mail utilizzata, per procedere a verifica.

    Ricorda che qualora la richiesta risultasse mancante di una o piú informazioni sopra richieste procederemo alla chiusura della segnalazione e sará necessario inviare un nuovo messaggio.


    Scalapay is a payment method that allows the user to pay an order amount greater than or equal to € 200.00 (including shipping and net of discounts) in 3 installments of the same amount without interest or additional costs.

    What are the expirations of the 3 instalments?

    At the time of purchase you pay only the first installment (equal to one third of the total value of the purchase). The next two instalments are charged to you monthly.

    The first installment: at the time of purchase

    The second installment: 1 month from the day of purchase

    The third and last installment: 2 months from the day of purchase

    Debits are made automatically on the expiration date on the card you have set as default.

    How are the instalments paid?

    When you create a Scalapay account, the platform asks you to enter a debit or credit card on which the 3 installments are automatically debited at the respective expiration date.

    For more information see the following link:

  • Invoice
    Come richiedere fattura

    Per ricevere la fattura relativa al tuo ordine, entro la conclusione del giorno di esecuzione dell’ordine dirigiti nella sezione supporto del tuo account e seleziona la voce "Amministrazione" e "Richiesta fattura" per contattarci. A questo punto è INDISPENSABILE fornirci:

    Clienti privati

    . nome

    . cognome

    . indirizzo

    . codice fiscale

    Clienti con partita iva

    . ragione sociale

    . indirizzo sede legale

    . partita iva

    . codice fiscale

    . codice univoco (SDI) oppure pec.

    Ricorda che qualora la richiesta risultasse mancante di una o piú informazioni sopra richieste procederemo alla chiusura della segnalazione e sará necessario inviare un nuovo messaggio.

  • despatch
    Partial receipt of items in an order

    If your order contains items from more that one showcase, you will ship them separately, one shipment for each brand. It is therefore normal that some time may elapse between the arrival of some products and others due to the times of management of the same. For each shipment, you will receive an email with a summary of the products present and the link relating to the shipment, with which you can monitor its progress. Furthermore, we remind you that by accessing your account on our platform, in the "My orders" section, you can check the status of your order and that of the shipment.

    Tempi di spedizione, consegna e ritardi

    I tempi di consegna dei prodotti venduti dipendono dai tempi di evasione dei nostri fornitori. Ti invitamo a verificare per ogni prodotto pubblicato sulla web la scheda prodotto che riporta informazioni specifiche in merito alle spedizioni.

    Ti invitiamo ad attendere 7 giorni lavorativi dal momento dell'acquisto prima di poterci richiedere una verifica del caso. Una volta trascorsi i 7 giorni dirigiti nella sezione supporto del tuo account e seleziona la voce "Spedizione" e "Tempi di spedizione, ritardi e consegne" per contattarci. A questo punto sará INDISPENSABILE fornirci:

    . il nome del prodotto che risulta in ritardo per poter iniziare il processo di verifica;

    . cognome del destinatario della spedizione;

    . numero d’ordine;

    Ricorda che qualora la richiesta risultasse mancante di una o piú informazioni sopra richieste procederemo alla chiusura della segnalazione e sará necessario inviare un nuovo messaggio.

    I am waiting for a delivery. Can I track my package?

    By accessing your account, in the my orders section you can check the status of your order and its tracking.

    Or by accessing your mail account, you will find the order confirmation e-mail with the estimated shipping times.

    When the product is entrusted to the courier you will receive an email from with the shipping link, with which you can monitor the progress of the shipment and follow the delivery which takes place between 9.00 and 18.00, from Monday to Friday . Hours may vary by area.

    Tracking Not Working

    You must wait at least 24 hours for the tracking update received to be visible

    Shipping costs with Ventis Card or BCC Card

    For Ventis Card or BCC card holders, shipping is free for purchases above 49€, net of the use of a code or the Ventis credit, and under 5kg of volumetric weight.

    Volumetric weight is obtained by multiplying the volume of the parcel (width x length x height) by the weight-to-volume ratio provided by the courier. Payments must be made with Ventis Card or BCC Card only; by using Applepay, Satispay or Paypal as payment methos will not allow Ventis to identify the card from which the payment was made.

    Free shipping will not be available outside of the above mentioned conditions.

    Ordine consegnato ma non ricevuto

    Se il tuo ordine risulta consegnato ma non l’hai ricevuto, ti invitiamo gentilmente a verificare che la spedizione non sia stata ritirata a tuo nome da un conoscente o da un famigliare. In caso di esito negativo ti chiediamo gentilmente di contattarci attraverso la sezione supporto nel tuo account.

    Ricorda che qualora la richiesta risultasse mancante di una o piú informazioni sopra richieste procederemo alla chiusura della segnalazione e sará necessario inviare un nuovo messaggio.

  • Refund
    Estimated time for reimbursement

    Each refund will be made on the same payment method used at the time of purchase.

    If you have made a return, the refund will be made within 15 working days from the date of delivery of the package to our logistics.

    If you paid with Ventis Credits

    The sum will be refunded as a credit to be used for your next orders and you can consult the Ventis Credits available to you and their expiry in the section Ventis Credits & Coupons within your account

    If you used a discount coupon

    If you have paid for your order with a discount coupon (for example a code that provides, free shipping or percentage discount, or fixed amount discount with or without cost limits and in any case not partially usable/multipurpose) in case of return, this voucher will be lost and not restored.

    If you paid by credit or debit card

    In this case, the refund will be made to the same card or to the associated bank account.

    Please note that with a credit/debit card: it can take up to 30 days for your bank to return the amount. You can request an extract of your card transactions to view the credit. You'll need to get in touch with your bank to know the exact date on which the credit will be available.

    If you paid with Paypal

    You will receive the amount relating to the items returned on the same Paypal account.

    If you don't see your card refund

    Please note that for refunds received by credit/debit card: your bank can take up to 30 days to return the amount. If you don't see your refund after 30 days, you can open a report. We will proceed to ask the competent department for the ARN code, with which you can check with your credit institution the refund made.

    Only for refund transactions made by Credit Card – AMEX, as indicated by American Express, please contact American Express Cardholder Service indicating that the refund was made by Ventis on __________ at ________ for _______ EUR. They will give you the correct indication of screen times.

  • Ventis credit and discount codes

    Ventis Credit is the new “digital piggy bank”, consisting of some discount codes, which the customer has and the money that you can convert into Credits.

    1 Credit = €1.00

    Log in to your account, in the Ventis Credits & Coupon section enter the code received and you will see the availability of your Ventis Credit

    During payment you will be given the opportunity to use your Ventis Credits as a payment method, choosing “Use Ventis Credits”.

    The customer can choose whether to use Ventis Credits to pay for the order or not, he cannot choose which amount to use of his Accrued Credits.

    If the amount in your digital piggy bank is not sufficient, you will be asked to choose between one of the payment methods for the difference.

    The maximum amount that may be available in the Ventis Credits section will be €1000.00

    You can through the app add other Credits by converting the money into credits using any credit card.


    Where can I check the amount of my credit

    To check the amount of your “Ventis Credit”.

    Entering Codes

    Enter the code in your possession in the appropriate space, present at the following link following the entry, you will see the code associated with your coupon area or the Ventis Credits area.
    The code entered will be updated in real time.
    This operation is possible either by accessing Ventis from the app or from the web.

    Where can I check when my Credit expires

    To check the expiry of your Ventis Credit, log in to your personal area under “Ventis Credit”.


    Cashback is a partial refund, calculated on the amount your order, according to T&C and according to your level.

    Depending on the purchases made on Ventis from May 23 to May 22 of the following year you reach a level: GOLD, PLATINUM or DIAMOND which defines the % of cashback.

    The Customer will receive the cashback after completing each order. The accumulated cashback will be available in the personal Wallet, as credit, and the Customer can use it for all purchases on Ventis within three months of being credited.

    Cashback not used by the expiration date cannot be restored.
    The Customer will not be entitled to use the cashback after completing an order or to cancel it on a completed order.

    The accumulated Cashback can only be used with Customer’s personal account and cannot be transferred to other accounts.

    Cashbacks accumulated from orders canceled by Ventis or subject to returns will be cancelled.

    In case of termination of the VentisCLUB program by the company, VENTIS Srl assumes no responsibility for the Cashback not used by the participants or for the loss of other benefits related to the program. For any information you can consult Terms&Conditions.

    What are discount codes

    Discount codes are promotions communicated to customers through Ventis or other communication tools, such as newsletters or text messages, in which all the features will be indicated, such as duration, limits, validity. Only one code can be entered in each order. The codes are not divisible and can be used only once.

    If the voucher/code has expired

    It is not possible to restore it

    Enter a voucher, code or Ventis Credits once the order has been completed

    After completing the order, it is not possible to enter a voucher or discount code or Ventis Credits or to reverse the amount of the Ventis code or Credits from the order. If you want, you can use your voucher, code or Ventis Credits in the next order.

  • Return
    the substantial integrity of the Product to be returned is an essential condition for exercising the right of withdrawal.
    I want to return a product

    Log in to your account in the 'Returns and Refunds' section.

    Click on 'My Account', select 'Returns and Refunds' then click 'Select Order'. Choose the order and the items you want to return and indicate the reason for the return.

    We remind you that the product must be returned intact, complete with all its components/accessories and duly packaged and packaged in a manner

    similar to those with which he received it.

    Please note that the product will be collected exclusively at street level. There is no pick-up to the floor.


    The tag must be correctly attached to the item you want to return and the product must be intact and must not have been used.

    To proceed with the return, for example of a pair of shoes, you will need to use the original box in which they were shipped. We also remind you not to write anything or to apply labels on the original box of the product. If the product falls with the shipping label applied to the original box of the product instead of the packaging box, we will not be able to accept your return and we will send the product back to you.

    If we receive products already used, damaged or in a different packaging from the original one (shoe box, box for accessories

    such as wallets, watches, etc.) we will not be able to proceed with the refund.

    You will need to insert a copy of the delivery document (alternatively order confirmation e-mail) inside the packaging box and specify, if possible, the file number on the package

    of return.

    Return of bulky products

    At the time of purchase we inform you that as soon as the courier has delivered the package, you must perform the following steps:

    - Have asked the driver to always sign with specific reserve by inserting the evidence of the damage (example: neck, taped, laundry, open); 

    - Have indicated what was the damage or anomaly found. The driver must have marked it and signed it in turn;

    - Have taken a photo of the package (s) received in full, in which the damage is visible (the recipient must enter it and sign);

    - Have taken a photo of the package received in which the labels on the neck or packages are visible;

    - Then send a communication to Ventis through the returns and refunds section no later than 14 days after receipt of the product. Attaching the photos taken.

    The request must be submitted no later than 14 calendar days from receipt of goods. Any report beyond the aforementioned terms and without having proceeded as instructed at the time of purchase will not be taken into consideration, except for the guarantee of conformity of the Products / Services in accordance with the law.




    Eventualità di prodotto danneggiato

    Al momento della ricezione del pacco ti preghiamo di verificare le condizioni dello stesso. Eventuali danni esteriori o la mancata corrispondenza del numero dei colli devono essere immediatamente contestati al corriere che effettua la consegna chiedendo di firmare la riserva sui suoi dispositivi in dotazione (es. palamre, tablet) apponendo una delle diciture che seguono:

    - riserva specifica collo danneggiato, nastro bucato, aperto, bagnato con l'evidenza del danno che esteriormente è presente sulla merce;

    - ritiro con riserva per pacco danneggiato;

    - ritiro con riserva per pacco aperto;

    - ritiro con riserva per colli mancanti sull'apposito documento accompagnatorio o lettera di vettura,

    pena l’impossibilità di procedere al reso, risarcimento, assicurazione con tali motivazioni. Potrai segnalare eventuali perdite o avarie non riconoscibili al momento della consegna al Servizio Clienti di Ventis, accedendo al tuo account personale nella sezione resi e rimborsi, attraverso l’apertura di una pratica di reso compilando quanto richiesto. La richiesta dovrà essere inoltrata entro e non oltre 8 giorni di calendario dalla ricezione della merce. Ogni segnalazione oltre i suddetti termini non sarà presa in considerazione, salva la garanzia di conformità dei prodotti a norma di legge. Nel caso di prodotto voluminoso ti preghiamo di leggere la sezione dedicata e assicurarti di aver compiuto i passi necessari indicati al momento dell'acquisto per poter procedere con il reso.

    What products can't I return

    Consult the section dedicated to returns by clicking here

    Cost of returning the goods

    The costs of returning the goods to Ventis S.r.l. are the sole responsibility of the User, who must send the duly packaged and packaged Product in a manner similar to those with which he received it. Ventis S.r.l. does not accept returns that are damaged, but kept in an excellent state of conservation, kept with the use of normal diligence. The User must insert a copy of the delivery document and the purchase receipt inside the packaging box.

    If the product you received stops working as a result of using it

    We kindly ask you to send us the following information through the return form to forward your file to the supplier: a brief explanation of the malfunction found and the photos of the article. We will tell you the correct procedure.

    It should be understood that any replacement cannot be borne by Ventis if an improper use of the product has occurred.

    Please note that the product must be returned in its original packaging with the accessories, components and illustrative materials contained in the original packaging and duly packaged and packaged in a manner similar to those in which it received it.

    Please note that the product will be collected exclusively at street level. There is no pick-up to the floor.

    The user is responsible for the decrease in the value of the products resulting from a handling of the products themselves other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. In this case, Ventis reserves the right to ask the user to refuse the decrease in value observed.

  • Accounts
    Where can I check my Ventis Credit or my codes?

    To check the amount of your Ventis Credit or view the codes available to you, log in to your personal area, under Ventis Credits & Coupons

    , which

    can be consulted at the following link

    Change registration email

    After logging in to Ventis with your credentials, click here and indicate the new email address and send your request.

    The change will be applied on current orders and subsequent communications while it does not affect those already sent to the previous registered email address.

    Delete Account

    To delete your account, send a request to the following email